Our Story

A foundation for life.

In Hawaiian, “paepae” means “base” or “pedestal.” Paepae can also identify something that serves as a foundation in a metaphorical sense. “Ola,” a cornerstone of Hawaiian culture, translates to “life” or “wellbeing.” Together, “Paepae Ola” means a “foundation for life.”

At Paepae Ola, our mission is to create housing solutions for families with few options, so that they can live and thrive in Hawai‘i.

More than a nonprofit organization, we are a living base, bringing together government agencies, businesses, faith-based groups, nonprofits and other community stakeholders. Together, we transform underutilized properties into healthy, sustainable communities.

In this ecosystem of collaboration and shared vision, we harness resources, ignite innovation and foster unity. Through this collective effort, we aim to build a future where every family in Hawai‘i has a place to call home, a community to belong to, and a life filled with opportunity and wellbeing.